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Inventory Tracking

By using eSales Analyst, you can monitor and track your Inventory in real time.

Business Plan

eSales Analyst is for 1 year, 3 Years and lifetime. You can purchase it at your convenience.

Dynamic Dashboard

You can customize your Dashboard at any time

100% Data Secure & Accurate

Speed, accuracy & security are the real power of eSales Analyst.

Onboarding and Support

Your convenience is our priority. If you are facing problems or hurdle, we are 24/7 available for your support.

Integrating Khata Analyst

Khata Analyst is specially design for niche your customers convenience therefore both retailer & customers are always connected with each other.

Multiple Languages

eSales Analyst POS is designed as to support multiple languages. Currently it supports 2 major Languages e.g. Urdu and English.

Cross Platform Software

It's sported on most of the devices e.g. Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Mobiles. Available in Widows & Web (Currently) and MacOS, Linux & Android (In Shortly).

Easy to Use

eSales Analyst POS is designed in such a way that it is very easy to operate and does not require special training.